The look in your eyes
Is make in me high
Feelin` in your look
It`s brings me alive
Stop thinking way to touching my hand
And leave you now then and were are dead
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
I can not believe
He`s dancing with me
Feeling he`s love
Bring`s me alive
Stop breathing when you touching my hand
And leave you now then and were are dead
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
On the road , on the miles, on the lonely times
Now here, now will make you mind
No more lies, No more tears,
That i make us cry, cry, cry....
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
We got something spin in right
I`m gonna shakin your love in to the night
We got something and you got me go
On and on and on and on
So crazy...
joi, 23 septembrie 2010
sâmbătă, 18 septembrie 2010
Paula Seling & Ovi - We got something !
Piesa asta are ceva special, un aer fresh si ca de obicei nu am sperante ca posturile de radio din Romania vor difuza aceasta piesa, sper ca in Norvegia, unde este naturalizat Ovi sa aiba mai mult succes pentru ca merita! Pentru ca tara asta nu isi apreciaza valorile, macar in afara ei sa fie apreciati la adevarata lor valoare. Mult succes Paula si Ovi !
vineri, 10 septembrie 2010
Margarita Rosa de Francisco - Vuelve (versuri romana)
Superba piesa Margaritei Rosa de Francisco, un bolero minunat! L-am descoperit cand m-am hotarat sa revad Cafea Cu Parfum de Femeie pe youtube. Minunata poveste de dragoste dintre Sebastian si Gaviota care a fascinat atata lume.
Vino şi ia-mă din nou
iubita senzatie intoarce-te si ia-ma
atunci cand memoria corpului se trezeste
si o dorinta veche trece prin sange
Cand buzele si pielea amintesc,
si mainile simt ca inca ating
Vino, si ia-ma din nou la noapte,
atunci cand buzele si pielea imi amintesc
Nu am gasit ceea ce atat de repede am pierdut
chip de iubire evocata in noptile mele
Pastreaza-i memoria asa cum era,
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
Da-mi inapoi in acasta noapte
Nu am gasit ceea ce atat de repede am pierdut
chip de iubire evocata in noptile mele
Pastreaza-i memoria asa cum era,
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
Da-mi inapoi in acasta noapte
Vino şi ia-mă din nou
iubita senzatie intoarce-te si ia-ma
atunci cand memoria corpului se trezeste
si o dorinta veche trece prin sange
Cand buzele si pielea amintesc,
si mainile simt ca inca ating
Vino, si ia-ma din nou la noapte,
atunci cand buzele si pielea imi amintesc
Nu am gasit ceea ce atat de repede am pierdut
chip de iubire evocata in noptile mele
Pastreaza-i memoria asa cum era,
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
Da-mi inapoi in acasta noapte
Nu am gasit ceea ce atat de repede am pierdut
chip de iubire evocata in noptile mele
Pastreaza-i memoria asa cum era,
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
si ce poti din aceasta iubire
Da-mi inapoi in acasta noapte
![]() |
Margarita Rosa de Francisco la Surprize- Surprize in 4 noiembrie 2000 |
luni, 6 septembrie 2010
Kamelia - Dreamin` versuri
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
People talk about the bad things all around
I don’t wanna hear no more
Everybody’s tryin’ , tryin’ to survive
I don’t wanna see tears no more
Holla’ if you feel me
Holla’ if you feel me
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
In another universe on another planet
In another universe on another planet
I don't wanna hear no more of these lies
When I close my eyes I dream about a paradise
Filled with hope Where everybody stick's together as one
Feel in love, eat love, see love everywhere
We really, really, really need love Ya
Holla’ if you feel me
Holla’ if you feel me
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
In another universe on another planet
In another universe on another planet
Dreamin', Dreamin' , Dreamin' of another life
Dreamin' ,Dreamin' , Dreamin' of another life
In another, In another, In another universe
On another planet, On another planet, On another planet
Hola` if you feel me
Hola` if you feel me
If you feel the same
Hola` if you feel me
Hola` if you feel me
If you feel the same
People talk about the bad things all around
I don’t wanna hear no more
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
People talk about the bad things all around
I don’t wanna hear no more
Everybody’s tryin’ , tryin’ to survive
I don’t wanna see tears no more
Holla’ if you feel me
Holla’ if you feel me
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
In another universe on another planet
In another universe on another planet
I don't wanna hear no more of these lies
When I close my eyes I dream about a paradise
Filled with hope Where everybody stick's together as one
Feel in love, eat love, see love everywhere
We really, really, really need love Ya
Holla’ if you feel me
Holla’ if you feel me
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
Dreamin’ dreamin’ of another life on another planet
In another universe on another planet
In another universe on another planet
Dreamin', Dreamin' , Dreamin' of another life
Dreamin' ,Dreamin' , Dreamin' of another life
In another, In another, In another universe
On another planet, On another planet, On another planet
Hola` if you feel me
Hola` if you feel me
If you feel the same
Hola` if you feel me
Hola` if you feel me
If you feel the same
People talk about the bad things all around
I don’t wanna hear no more
O piesa de toamna Iris cu Felicia Filip - Ultima toamna
O piesa nostalgica de toamna, toamna fiind un anotimp nostalgic iar Iris cu aceasta piesa exprima foarte bine sentimentele pe care le traiesc acum.
M-ai rugat din nou acum
Sa ma-ntorc pe vechiul drum
Noptile au amintiri si multe priviri
Zi de zi eu te chemam,era tarziu si te visam
Frunze cad in calea ta,venea-i pe-nserat
Flori de dor la geamul meu
Luna canta valsul tau
Toate-au fost la timpul lor
Si mi-am zis ca nu-i usor
Sa pictez un colt de cer
Cand tot a fost ieri
Flori de dor la geamul meu
Luna canta valsul tau
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
M-ai rugat din nou acum
Sa ma-ntorc pe vechiul drum
Noptile au amintiri si multe priviri
Zi de zi eu te chemam,era tarziu si te visam
Frunze cad in calea ta,venea-i pe-nserat
Flori de dor la geamul meu
Luna canta valsul tau
Toate-au fost la timpul lor
Si mi-am zis ca nu-i usor
Sa pictez un colt de cer
Cand tot a fost ieri
Flori de dor la geamul meu
Luna canta valsul tau
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
Hai revin-o toamna iar
Cu ploi si soare
Tot ce-a fost ca la-nceput
Dïn nou apare
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